Always follow the directions for carrying according to whatever carrier you use. You want to be sure baby is safe and both you and baby are comfortable.
One great option is to find your local babywearing group (check facebook, meetups, le leche league or ask someone you see wearing their baby) and try some before you buy. If you don’t have that option rest assured most of the carriers (especially the expensive ones – meaning over $60) hold their value very well and can be resold. In the same breath, you’ll want to sell them to people who understand the value of the 5+ meters of fabric so you can get what they are worth! Two Facebook groups (among many) dedicated to buying, selling, and trading carriers are Babywearing on a Budget, The Babywearing Swap.
There are SO MANY options when it comes to babywearing. I’m confident that there is something you will love. Remember this from Babywearing International:
Babywearing is not about any particular parenting philosophy and it is not about any specific carrier. It can be practiced by a wide variety of caregivers including moms, dads, grandparents, siblings, nannies, nurses, doulas; in short, anyone who cares for a newborn, infant, or toddler. There are safe and effective carrier options for every budget and taste.
And hallelujah! Just like that you can get things done, while snuggling with your children, because let’s face it, we ALL do better when we get the snuggles we need.